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Inner work is the process of diving into the inner parts of ourselves and getting to know one's true self. It consists of self-exploration, healing, and self-transformation. Through this practice, one can rediscover parts of themselves that have been forgotten. Inner work consists of transforming into the best version of yourself through deep discipline and healing. In this process, hidden feelings, memories, wounds, and beliefs may resurface. Inner work allows one to move beyond limitations, fears, and attachments. It is often practiced through deep self-awareness, and it strengthens oneself immensely. When diving into your inner self, you learn many things. Doing inner work is important as it is the path to one's soul purpose. It creates a much more balanced perspective and brings you closer to your soul and God. If you feel lost or are going through a time of depression or loneliness, inner work can help you at a core level. Inner work may seem like a scary journey to take on since it includes looking deep within ourselves. It can  

cause a resurfacing of many suppressed feelings. This may create lots of pain, but it has to be felt to be released. The Ascended Masters have shared that they do this type of work continuously even after ascending. They have shared that they work daily on their inner issues as well. Inner work is continuous throughout all eternity. However, only you can begin this work, and it takes determination and practice.


The most highly recommended inner work journey will be provided to make the process easier. The first very important part regarding inner work is self-love. To be able to get through the inner work journey, one needs to first develop self-love. Diving into the deep parts of your inner self may be way too difficult without self-love. Loving yourself involves taking care of yourself on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself. When developing self-love, we embrace our flaws. To love yourself means to be forgiving towards yourself and always be your own best friend. It means finding peace within ourselves and creating inner peace. Self-love is the knowing that you are trying your best and the ability to nurture yourself.


Ways to practice self-love:


The dominant step in loving oneself is doing their passions. When an individual is fully doing the things they enjoy they can then create a strong bond with themselves. Healthy hobbies include dancing, listening to music, singing, painting, and meditating. Those are just a few, but fully enjoying any of your passions can assist in loving yourself. 


Changing your diet can assist one with developing self-love. Eating the wrong food can be a sign of self-neglect. It can result in mental and physical illnesses. By slowly cutting out unhealthy and junk foods, it can benefit you. 


Trusting in your intuition! One's intuition is their instinct, gut feeling that stems from the unconscious mind. It is the inner guidance that you receive that brings you closer to yourself. 


Other things that can help one love themselves more are exercising, setting personal boundaries, and treating yourself like you would your best friend. 


Once self-love has been formed, the next step in the path can be embarked. The next important step in the inner work process is regarding one's inner child. Inner child work is much deeper than the previous step. It involves remembering childhood wounds and going beyond old beliefs. Inner child work is the process of contacting, embracing, and healing your inner child. Your inner child is not the childish aspect of you, but the rather child-like one. It is the source of creativity, love, and joy. It holds the innocent and imaginative sides of you. It can also hold limiting self-beliefs and attachments. Inner child work resurfaces many past memories and unhealed parts of oneself. Some helpful ways to contact your inner child include journaling, guided meditations, and speaking to it. To heal the inner child within, you need to identify your childhood traumas. You can do this by looking at common examples of childhood trauma. Once it has been identified, you can then heal these traumas by speaking to your inner child. One can do this by acknowledging its existence. Then you can repeat affirmations and forgive them, and thank them. If the issues that were developed from your childhood are still occurring, then do the work to fix the issues and research specific things you may need to do.


The final step and the deepest level of the inner work journey is shadow work. This form of work can be extremely difficult, and it requires diving into the darkest parts of ourselves. Carl Jung came up with the idea that the shadow is a significant part of our psyche. One's shadow is the hidden, repressed, dark part of the unconscious. Our shadows are the aspects that we pretend we aren't in order to be accepted by others. Shadow work involves eradicating these bad behaviors we have and becoming fully aware of them in order to do so. Shadow work is the journey of self-awareness. Once these "dark sides" become conscious one, can then become the best version of themselves. Some parts one could look at are the things they have lots of anger towards. Also, their fears, negative influences, judgments, and old negative beliefs. Shadow work may take a long time and discipline, but it is truly worth it in the end. 


Inner work never ends, it is continuous throughout all your life because we always have more lessons we can learn. When you are more familiar with doing it, it will bring you closer to your soul purpose, and then you can live your life with more love, happiness, and peace. 

What is Conscious Guidance?

Conscious Guidance was created to awaken others to their true purpose and provide guidance to support them in their journey.  As well as, sharing the truth and providing 

 awareness of significant topics that have been deeply researched. It is about embracing each soul and purpose and helping and healing others. We are all here right now to learn lessons, grow, and evolve as souls. Conscious Guidance wants to help you in doing so and radiate love and joy your way. Remember, just like a lotus flower, you can bloom out of the darkness.



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