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What it is

Manifesting and using the Law of Attraction is such an incredible thing because one can literally create the most optimal timeline for themselves through this technique. The Law of Attraction (LOA) is the belief that the universe creates and provides for you that your thoughts are focused. For example, if an individual focuses on negative thoughts, not so favorable things will be the outcome of that. The Law of Attraction says, what you think starts a vibration that influences how you feel, impacts what you attract, and creates your reality. As Dolores Cannon, the past life-regressionist and hypnotherapist said, "In creating your reality, if you say, I need, or I want you are creating a lack." The real wording to use when creating what you desire in your reality is "I have." When manifesting and creating our own reality, what it has to do with is shifting ourselves to a timeline where we have and where we are being the most ideal or optimized versions of ourselves. Whatever it is that you want, picture and visualize it because if you can see it in your mind then that means it already exists. Therefore, the reality you want to be manifested has already been created, and it must occur, which is a law of the universe.  All you have to do is model the thoughts, actions, emotions, and actions of that version of you.  


How to fully manifest one's goals and dreams

1. Decide what you truly want

To do so, one needs to think about what they want without limiting themselves with disbelief.  Think about the goals and the desires you want and then write them down or do whatever you think is best to identify them.

2. Ask the Universe/Source for your desires 

Ask the universe every day for these desires to be manifested or in a prayer to whomever you pray to. Do not worry about how you going to receive your desires and goals. Trust it will all work out and be patient, also keeping a good attitude will assist these things to be manifested.

3. Believe

 The next measure is to deeply believe and trust that you will receive what you desire and feel as though you have already gotten it. You can use affirmations every day to help these things manifest faster. You can also visualize having these things by focusing on the joy and happiness you would experience having this goal met. Additionally, feeling gratitude is a beneficial method to attract blessings and one's wishes to them.


Lastly, be open to receiving all the blessings the Universe has to offer. Hopefully, everything you want manifests for you, wishing you luck in your journey! If this article supported you and guided you towards manifesting, then Conscious Guidance is very glad and we advise you to check out more of our articles!

What is Conscious Guidance?

Conscious Guidance was created to awaken others to their true purpose and provide guidance to support them in their journey.  As well as, sharing the truth and providing 

 awareness of significant topics that have been deeply researched. It is about embracing each soul and purpose and helping and healing others. We are all here right now to learn lessons, grow, and evolve as souls. Conscious Guidance wants to help you in doing so and radiate love and joy your way. Remember, just like a lotus flower, you can bloom out of the darkness.



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