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One's Highest Self is the part of them that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible. It is the real them, the soul consciousness, that is so much more than the physical form. The highest aspect of you that can be attained. Your Higher Self is the you that is unlimited and eternal. This part of you is made of love and light, it is the self beyond the ego and essence of who you truly are. It does not view the life through the murkiness of past experiences. The Higher Self understands that life as a human is marked by fluctuations and impermanence. Our "Highest Self's" energy links us to everyone and everything. It is a part of you and Source. The Universal Source of cosmic energy. It is one's true nature and represents our most authentic state of being. Also known as the best version of you (in your perspective). Our Higher Self is the portion of our consciousness that we can ask for guidance and support.
Art: Kumar Alzhanov
The Higher Mind is the part of your mind that your Higher Self is communicating through. The Higher Mind is the gateway to our soul and intuition. It surpasses ego, transcends boundaries, and holds universal truths. It is the opening of creative ideas and solutions. The Higher Mind does not worry and is optimistic, timeless, and calm. It navigates through many dimensions of time, including the past, present, and future. Your Higher Mind is a part of your soul self and only knows the truth.
How to Become your Highest Self
Meditation allows one to silence their thoughts and return to a calm state. Meditating lifts the veil between this dimension and other dimensions. It is a very important way to connect with your Highest Self. Trusting in your intuition helps you to connect with your Highest Self and receive guidance from it. One's intuition is their inner guidance and the instinct ability to understand something. Speak to your Higher Self and ask for guidance, insight, or an answer. Listen in silence and allow it to be your spiritual teacher. Journaling is also a good way to let the voice of your Higher Self come through. Journaling helps bring clarity and be clear on your purpose.
The Oversoul is the awareness of all souls and the knowing that every individual is eternally connected with everyone. A spiritual essence found in the universe where souls transcend individual consciousness.
One can always tap into their Higher Self and Higher Mind through meditation and other practices listed in this article. This is very important because it allows one to become the best version of themselves and reach higher states of consciousness.
What is Conscious Guidance?
Conscious Guidance was created to awaken others to their true purpose and provide guidance to support them in their journey. As well as, sharing the truth and providing
awareness of significant topics that have been deeply researched. It is about embracing each soul and purpose and helping and healing others. We are all here right now to learn lessons, grow, and evolve as souls. Conscious Guidance wants to help you in doing so and radiate love and joy your way. Remember, just like a lotus flower, you can bloom out of the darkness.
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