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This topic refers to "awakening" spiritually and realizing that there is something more to life. Awakening is recognizing the true meaning of life through an expansion of consciousness. It is connecting with our true identities and rising above the illusions and false belief systems we have been taught. In human life, there is a reason as to why we all reincarnate here, and that reason is to learn lessons, grow, and evolve as souls. Everyone's path is unique, and the well-traveled ones include being your true authentic self.


The Hero's Journey is an archetypal theme written into the framework of space and time. It is the eternal spirit learning about itself from limited perspectives of being. The Hero's Journey represents the human spiritual journey. One goes through this journey when they have spiritually awakened and they have gotten to the spiritual truth and can not go back to what they have known. This journey can consist of surviving something traumatic and then serving others who are amid the trauma. It also involves the steps towards completing the path to their purpose. This journey includes lots of pain and challenges to get to this path. One may face suffering and hardships throughout this journey to ultimately transform into the best version of themselves. The Hero's Journey involves going on an adventure and learning lessons within it that then incite new wisdom and self-transformation. When we are in a very dark place and are lost and hopeless enough, something deep within has the opportunity to become known. It is a sense that your life has a purpose, and there is something more. The experiences one faces in battle give their journey a new perspective and makes life become an adventure. The Hero coming back from this adventure knows the illusory nature of reality and comes back wiser and stronger than ever before because they have evolved. 



The different stages of the Hero's Journey include:



This includes the life of doing ordinary things we are used to such as, feeling like victims of our circumstances and slogging through life. There may be occasional questioning of if there is something more to life. For the most part, it is doing the same things every day and not questioning it. 



This is the Divine spark within that finally reveals itself. It is an increased awareness and awakened state of what your true calling is. The need for change is seen within this, and one can sense the limited circumstances of the Ordinary World. It could be a conflict/event/problem that eventually reached a tipping point that makes them begin their adventure.


Fear and self-doubt arise with the possibility that they are not good enough within this stage. It is also fear of losing the comfort zones that have been formed. It is the thought that being in the Ordinary World would be easier. The challenges continue until your calling chooses you and you create a breakthrough.



The mentor appears as a supernatural aid who guides and supports the hero, offering wisdom to help the hero navigate this path. This mentor sends gifts and guidance for your journey. 



This is the point of no return where the hero leaves the known world and agrees to take risks. This is the moving forward point. Synchronicities may appear, and there will be many affirmations that you made the right decision.



This is the test of character that occurs. It consists of obstacles, tests, and blockages that the hero must overcome. The hero may meet allies - who are for assistance and enemies - resistance from others. The hero develops self-awareness which, also includes bringing their shadows to light. They recognize that people are a mirror of themselves, and the hidden beliefs are revealed. This time can be very difficult, but it is for your own growth.



This stage could also be known as the Dark Night of the Soul. This is the inner place where all the truth versus illusion is. The Dark Night of the Soul is a period of utter spiritual disconnection and emptiness in which one feels totally separated from the Divine. You feel completely lost, hopeless, and consumed with melancholy and the feelings may be related to that of depression. 



This is when the wisdom is earned, and there is an increased awareness of truth. It is a new level of enlightening and it is the seizing of the treasure.



This is the victorious return. It includes integrating the new inner state of awareness with the outer world. It is also bringing the wisdom earned back to the world so others can also benefit.



This is the death and rebirth into the world. It is the transformation into a beautiful butterfly that some may have trouble recognizing. It is also about demonstrating the lessons that were learned. 



This stage includes invaluable wisdom. It is the stage of self-mastery. This is where the light is clearly seen, and it can now be used to illuminate others. This includes more bliss, awareness, and stillness.

What is Conscious Guidance?

Conscious Guidance was created to awaken others to their true purpose and provide guidance to support them in their journey.  As well as, sharing the truth and providing 

 awareness of significant topics that have been deeply researched. It is about embracing each soul and purpose and helping and healing others. We are all here right now to learn lessons, grow, and evolve as souls. Conscious Guidance wants to help you in doing so and radiate love and joy your way. Remember, just like a lotus flower, you can bloom out of the darkness.



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