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Time is essentially an illusion. Time is not what you see on a clock, it's rather a manmade instrument to measure time in relation to our daily activities. The time we are measuring is only in relation to our activities. For instance, it may take a human one second to rotate a basketball, but it may take a lifetime for an ant to do so. Objects moving at higher speeds will experience the time is going slow. Manmade clocks measure movements and not time. Time is not linear, it is simultaneous. Everything, including the past and future, is all happening, right now. Past lives are actually parallel lives. Time is a manmade 3D construct. In higher dimensions, there's no such thing as time because we experience everything happening simultaneously in the now, as one. While time has its uses, we have been programmed to live our lives by this construct as if it were real. You cannot perceive time or measure it in any which way.
Realizing that time is an illusion helps one to escape anxiety and fear of time running out and having to do everything quickly.
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